You may have the best tools to get tarot cards, the best courses online to learn how to use and interpret tarot cards and so on but none of that is important when you cannot apply the learning to actually performing the reading of tarot cards. Understanding how to interpret and learning about tarot cards is one thing and actually reading tarot cards is another story in and of its own.
Reading Tarot Cards By Yourself
Sometimes, the best course of action to learn something is to do it multiple times. That way it is engrained into your memory and system. The same notion goes for reading tarot cards as well. Once you have gotten your own deck of tarot cards, you can then start practicing revealing the cards be it normal face or upside-down reveal. Then comes the hard part of interpretation and understating the deeper meaning to the images and symbols presented in front of you. You have to go into a trance often to involve the deepest and intimate emotion you can find and apply it to the cards in front of you. This form of understanding to read tarot cards will yield the most pure and true meanings of past, present, and glorious or devastating future for you and to others when you start to interpret for others.
An easy way to begin this process of reading yourself could be to arrange the decks in order of situation-action-outcome or mind-body-soul and then flipping one card at a time to channel the right emotions that you feel for the card being flipped. Doing this multiple times will enhance the skills of reading tarot cards and also the process of interpretation will be increased.
Simply reading the tarot cards at its stock or face meaning will get you so far. There has to be deeper intention and solid conviction within you to really channel your inner self or higher self to read the cards to what you think is pure meaning. This form of reading tarot cards will only happen if there is strong intuition and emotions that arise from practicing to read tarot cards often.